the interior design process

At Doot Design, we believe in function over form. As such, we emphasize on the planning stage by having extensive communication between us and yourselves as our client, as well as all parties involved to understand your requirements. In conjunction with understanding the site, we then develop the spatial design.

Once spatial planning is established, we work on your vision where your space comes to life. Here, we elevate the spatial design and apply form to our function. This is also the stage we explore tactility and materiality for your space. We then present our findings in three dimensional drawings.

The next stage will involve potential shopfitters or builders. With the drawings for the design development stage, we can approach shopfitters or various trades for pricing. Throughout the above stages, there will also be the liaising with council, building surveyor etc as required. The building process can begin once the shopfitter or builder has been finalised. From here onwards, you can see your vision come alive.

Caryn Glozer